Fervor Coulee’s Favourite Roots Albums of the Decade, 2010-2019 (#10-#1, pt. 5/5)

This is it, the top ten. Thanks for visiting Fervor Coulee this year and the last…whatever it has been- fifteen years? 2019 saw more visitors to Fervor Coulee than ever before, increasing 25% over the previous year. Hopefully that means you are finding roots music opinions of value- we are far from the biggest roots… Continue reading Fervor Coulee’s Favourite Roots Albums of the Decade, 2010-2019 (#10-#1, pt. 5/5)

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Jerry Wicentowski- …Thanks, Mac! review

Jerry Wicentowski …Thanks, Mac! Songs of Mac Wiseman http://www.WizGrass.com If not for Mac Wiseman and a pair of brothers named Osborne, I am not certain we would have living ties  to the first generation of bluegrass performers. While Bobby continues to book shows and record, Sonny and Mac have largely eased into retirement to only… Continue reading Jerry Wicentowski- …Thanks, Mac! review

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Fervor Coulee’s Favourite Roots & Bluegrass Albums of 2017

What is roots music? I frequently have to remind myself that not everything I seek out is ‘roots.’ When I start considering Little Steven or Danko Jones (Wild Cat might have been my favourite album of 2017) albums as ‘roots’ music, I may be starting to lose the plot. So I pull myself back. However,… Continue reading Fervor Coulee’s Favourite Roots & Bluegrass Albums of 2017

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Fervor Coulee’s Favourite Roots & Bluegrass Albums since 2000

I’ve been writing about music since 2000. Naturally, I’ve heard a lot of great music, have written about much of it, and have often put together a list of favourite roots and bluegrass albums of the year. And, I will do the same again this year. For perspective and to sprinkle some flavourful anticipation, here… Continue reading Fervor Coulee’s Favourite Roots & Bluegrass Albums since 2000

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Favourite Roots Albums of 2017, so far

School ended two weeks ago, and I have been able to take the last week to relax, read, and listen—a great start to this summer. It appears that almost every online outlet has released their ‘best of 2017 (so far) list,’ so I figure I might as well get in on the action. If nothing… Continue reading Favourite Roots Albums of 2017, so far

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Favourite Bluegrass of 2017, so far

Over at Fervor Coulee Bluegrass, Country Standard Time’s sister blog for Fervor Coulee, I have posted my five favourite bluegrass albums released between January and June of this year. If you are interested, follow this link to get you there. As always, I thank you for visiting Fervor Coulee. Donald @Twitter

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Mac Wiseman & Various Artists- I Sang the Song review

Mac Wiseman I Sang The Song Mountain Fever Records With all due respect to the folks who have released excellent bluegrass and country albums this year, and those who will undoubtedly do so in the coming months, we have our 2017 Americana/Roots album of the year. An incredible undertaking by Peter Cooper and Thomm Jutz,… Continue reading Mac Wiseman & Various Artists- I Sang the Song review

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Mac Wiseman- Songs From My Mother’s Hand review

My review of Mac Wiseman’s recent album, Songs From My Mother’s Hand, is linked through to the Lonesome Road Review right about HERE. Pretty special. As I grow older, the more I appreciate Wiseman’s understated approach to song interpretation; I still don’t enjoy the album he did with John Prine several years ago, but that’s… Continue reading Mac Wiseman- Songs From My Mother’s Hand review

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