John Wort Hannam- Long Haul review

John Wort Hannam Long Haul Black Hen Music Eight albums. Time flies. John Wort Hannam has been on his roots-fueled troubadour journey for most of two decades, spinning songwriting gold from the chaff of the lives he has encountered, both in reality and imagination. From early masterpieces like “Scotsman’s Bluff” and “Pier 21” to his… Continue reading John Wort Hannam- Long Haul review

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Skinny Dyck & Friends- Twenty One-Nighters review

Skinny Dyck & Friends Twenty One-Nighters For as long as I can recall, the Alberta roots music environment has been healthy and exciting. From the big-ticket folk festivals in Edmonton and Calgary, and the more regional events held annually in Fort McLeod, Driftpile, East Coulee, and innumerable other sites, to a radio network that… Continue reading Skinny Dyck & Friends- Twenty One-Nighters review

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